Kjella, "Maysa is almost 6 months and I am 8 1/2 months now so I know the ropes. Instead of having her go to the doctor for her 6 month appointment, I'll give her a physical myself!"

Kjella, "Open wide Maysa! I need to check inside your mouth to see if any teeth are coming in."

Kjella, "Okay Maysa, now I need you to stick out your tongue and say 'ahhhhh'".

Kjella, "Don't worry Maysa, everything is going to be okay even if you don't have any teeth yet."

Maysa, "But Kjella you didn't give me a chance. Let me try my 'ahhhhh' again and I will get some teeth this weekend - I promise! It's just like when everyone thought I would be bald forever and now look how fast my hair is growing in!"

Kjella, "Well now, let me check out those reflexes in your knees."

"We've got a live one here! Look at those reflexes!"

Maysa, "Kjella, my tummy is fine - really - and it would feel even better if you would stop pushing on it."

Kjella, "Well then, if you won't let me check your tummy, I think I'll have to check your heart."
Maysa, "Good grief. Just because she's 2 1/2 months older, she is such a 'know-it-all'!"