The title of this post nicely sums up my feelings for the past few months - or make that the entire summer for that matter. Just plain busy. The daily 90-degree temps are tricking my brain into thinking we are still in full-blown summer. It was shocking to see the calendar flip to October the other day! Where was September? I swear it didn't exist this year. I realized that we have not posted very much from our summer adventures so I will try to catch up in this post.
We had a wonderful day in the Uintas today. David was able to do some fly-fishing and caught a little rainbow :)

This is how I travel these days - with 'Woods' (the bear) - or some other stuffed animal along for the ride.

Ahhh yes ... the doggies came along too.

Views, views and more views.

Eli just had his 7th birthday! His party was at Fat Catz and it was a little over-stimulating for Kjella. We found the 'Sesame Street Fire Department' which seemed to be kind of fun but in this photo it looks like she's saying, 'Seriously?!? You've GOT to be kidding me!'

Nickie and Zane were out for Eli's birthday and Nickie watched Kjella for part of the time that I was traveling for work. Kjella and Aunt Nickie quickly became best buds.

With Aunt Nickie at Eli's bike race.

Rachel and I did the Tour de Suds in Park City a few weekends ago. 7-mile grunt from Park City up to Guardsman's Pass. It was tons of fun! Rachel even dressed up for the occasion :)

Yay! At the finish!

Eli was our cheering section :) He is doing a photo opp to show that it was REALLY windy at the top.

The 'cowgirls' had the best costumes of the day. Eli is so darn cute they asked if they could have a photo with him wearing one of their hats!

Kjella loves putting on big people clothes ...

At the Holladay Harvest Festival Aunt Rachel went to the craft table and made Kjella a super sweet pair of shades. She thought she was very big stuff with these on.

Grandpa and Grandma Kelley came out in early September and were able to stay with Kjella for a few days while I was gone for work. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!

Having some 'girl time' on the swing set.

Rachel and I got mom a tattoo for her 60th birthday. She was a trooper (even though I had to make a mad dash to the store so she could take a chocolate break :) Strong work Mom!

Have 'Bunny'. Will travel.

This is at Lake Pactola in the Black Hills. We were there with the Kelley family in the end of July. Kjella was loving the water!

Pretty brave!

Rachel and our nephew Judd taking a break on a hot and very sweaty ride.

Meeting 'Charlotte', the newest member of the family, when we were in MN in July.

Stopping on some random road in WY for a MUCH NEEDED BREAK on the drive back home to SLC from Rochester.

Wide Open Spaces
Doesn't this picture make you want to take a big deep breath?