Life - and children - are unpredictable. That was the lesson learned on this trip. Kjella was very sick and very 'two-years-old' during this journey back to MN. I was convinced for a time that an alien force had come and abducted my daughter and replaced her with a holy terror. Needless to say, it was a trying time for both mother and child. However, we survived and that is the best sentiment I can think of to sum up this adventure. It was wonderful, as always, to see both sets of (amazingly patient) grandparents and all of my family and most of all to be there for Judd's graduation and his transition into a new time in his life. Unfortunately I was so focused on Miss Bea that I didn't take hardly any pictures at the Stenehjem casa or at Judd's graduation ... :(

Playing on the monkey bars with Eli

Swinging with Grandpa and Eli

Making Rice Krispie bars with Grandma and Eli

At the airport with Slippey the penguin. We are all very ready to head homeward-bound. I must say there was a silver lining, Kjella was a total rockstar on both flights and in the airport. Go figure ...

Alas we arrived and I have never been so relieved in my life to see my hubby at the airport. Every time I travel alone with her I swear it's the last time I go solo without Dad ... and then I end up doing it again ... This was the last time. Seriously. Well at least until she is a few years older :)
-- Post From Kate