Once upon a time I was getting Kjella ready for a bath but she didn't want to get in the tub ... strange .. she LOVES her baths. I quickly understood the reason for her hesitation. Low and behold it wasn't even 30 seconds after she got into the tub that I heard the tell-tale 'blurp blurp blurp' and sure enough a big 'ole brown turd surfaced. My first instinct was to grab her out of the tub so she wouldn't be sitting in the nasty poo-infested water. I picked her up, plopped her on the towel and grabbed the first thing I saw that would enable me to capture the turd - it just so happened to be the purple octopus. While all of this was taking place, Kjella decided this would be a fine and dandy time to streak through the house. She ran around laughing and - you guessed it - she wasn't done pooing ... and so she plopped 4-5 more turds in various locations throughout the house. I had to go on a horrific search and rescue mission for poo. All in all a high quality night for mom ... however, I have to admit that I did fare better than the purple octopus ...
The Suspect: Miss Kjella Bea

The scene of the crime: The tub

The poo-slayer: Mr. Purple Octopus (I can't tell if he is laughing in this photo or if he looks completely terrified ... )

-- Post From Kate
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