Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kjella Groo-vin

Sorry for the delay in posting, but we have been a bit busy. Kate is back at work and I am hanging with Kjella now that I have graduated. We are leaving for Salt Lake in a little of over a week. We have been getting all the arrangements set for our move and everything seems to be falling in place...Kate is able to keep her job in Duluth and work remotely from Utah; our house sold; and we are moving back to our old neighborhood in SLC. We will be sad to leave Duluth and all our friends and family in Minnesota, but we are excited for the new beginnings that lay ahead.

Kjella is growing as fast as the weeds in our backyard and I am fortunate to be able to spend this time with her before I start my residency. Kjella is starting to become quite interactive to her surroundings and she is enjoying all the sights and sounds of world.


Ryan said...

That is awesome! Can't wait to see you guys in SLC. -Ryan

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are on the move. I can't believe Kjella is 7 months and Eli how did he get to 6 already. Wish they could get a day to play with Brandon's boys...they are very busy Montana to the heart rough and tumble kids. Take care tell Rach hi and enjoy them while they are young they are grown and gone before you know it... love to all bon