Wow - we haven't posted anything for an eternity ... Life with an infant, moving across the country and starting a residency program have taken their toll on our 'free-time'!
Here are some highlights from this past summer ...
In Big Cottonwood Canyon in the earlier days of summer.

Mom tries to get the food in my mouth ...

... and sometimes she succeeds!

Out for a hike in Millcreek Canyon when we got caught in the rain.

However, the rain didn't seem to bother Kjella in the least - what a trooper! An avid outdoor girl at heart - gotta love that!

Kjella was enjoying Bob's new haircut :)

The first official camping trip - Brian Head, UT - July 24th - Pioneer Day! Kjella did utterly fantastic. Her favorite part of the trip was petting a horse and watching the herd of sheep. Here she's hanging out with dad while he drinks his morning cup of java.

Mom and daughter are both wearing vests ... how cute ... think Kjella will still want to dress like mom when she's 14?

Checking out the Cedar Breaks.

Tromping around Red Butte Gardens in SLC.

My first soccer game - and a professional one at that! Real vs Seattle!

Dinner time with dad.

Getting nuts in my exer-saucer from Erin and Kory!

Kjella and Maysa are having a staring contest in the jumper-roo and swing (also from Erin and Kory). Actually, the activity mat in the background is from Erin and Kory as well! We love you guys!!!!

The girls are getting ready to head down to the farmer's market. Looks like Kjella grabbed ALL the toys!

Camping trip number 2 took place in the Uintas over Labor Day.

Hiking up in the Uintas on a gorgeous day!

Ahhh ... yes. We still have the pets if anyone is wondering. Poor little buggers have dropped a few notches on the totem pole but still get to come camping with us :)

Crystal Lake trail in the Uintas - another beautiful day.

More to come soon ... we promise!
1 comment:
That's a good looking family right there!
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